Want to help with auction item procurement? Do you have an item you’d like to donate to our auction? The procurement committee will be meeting over the summer to obtain auction items for our event. Meetings will be at a variety of locations and most are kid friendly. Dates, Times and Locations are on the the Procurement SignUpGenius. We hope you’ll join us and experience the FUN in FUNdraising! Please contact Rachelle Calahan and Courtney Chesy, Procurement Committee Co-Managers, for more information on procurement.

Ben Franklin Academy 2018 Fun Run

Final numbers from the 2018 Fun Run –

Students Registered: PreK-5th — 95% (667 out of 700) ; 6th-8th — 75% (226 out of 301)
Students Pledged: PreK-5th — 86% (604 out of 700); 6th-8th — 56% (174 out of 301)

Pledges from 42 States and 6 Countries

NET PROFIT $68,000

Of our profit, approximately $9,700 was given back to classroom teachers to enhance their classroom materials or curriculum. Additionally, the PTO has committed to spend up to $40,000 on the MakerSpace with the rest of the proceeds going toward PTO reserves.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Fun Run. We truly appreciate your generosity!


Pictures from Past BENefit Bash Events


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