Birthday (month/day): February 19

Favorite Restaurant: White Chocolate Grill

Favorite Fast-Food Restaurant: Kneaders/Panera

If I had an unexpected day off, I would spend it..:  with my family, shopping or getting my nails done 

On a bad day, these would cheer me up…:  anything from the heart 

Favorite Starbucks drink: Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Chocolate or Fruit? Chocolate

Favorite place to shop: TJ Maxx and Target

Favorite color: Pink

Favorite sports team:  Any Colorado Sports, we love sports as a family

Hobbies: (bowling, golf, etc…):  Walking with my husband, doing crafts and baking

Favorite Ben Franklin Virtue: Tranquility

My family includes…:  My husband Chris, My daughter Kiernan and my son Kellen