LaCretia Gelley

LaCretia Gelley is a director, teacher, producer, music director, choreographer and professional singer. Through her work, she not only nurtures aspiring artists, she also explores how theatre, and the arts in general, can challenge participants, both arts-makers and audiences, to embrace the idea of storytelling and the amazing power that stories have to remind us that we are all connected and have shared stories and experiences. Arts education exists to create more complete humans, who have curious minds, are critical thinkers, and are productive people.

LaCretia has been a part of Audience of One Youth Theater since 2009 and also teaches at area schools and programs, as well as designs curriculum. She has directed and produced dozens of shows locally and has acted in many shows like Antigone, Pirates of Penzance, and Guys and Dolls. She holds a MA in Education, many certifications in the arts and physical movement, and was voted best director for Mary Poppins, the musical. She has a private studio for voice, acting, and audition prep. She is a life-long student and has spent years completing continuing education and is currently working on her terminal MFA degree and has her Hair and Makeup certification. Her passion is helping artists to understand how truly unique and special they are, encouraging them to realize their full potential.

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