Due to an increase in students not picked up during afternoon carpool and not scheduled for Before/After School Enrichment (BASE), we will need to begin charging parents for late pick-ups. Generally, carpool and All Call end by 3:55 p.m. Parents are expected to pick up their students on time–in fact, we’d like parents to arrive on campus by 3:45 p.m. at the latest for afternoon pick-up. Beginning Monday, Dec. 11, students who are not registered for BASE and are not picked up by 4 p.m. will be charged $5 per student for the first offense and $10 per student for the second offense. Charges will continue to go up by $5 per student after each offense.

Furthermore, students not registered for BASE and not picked up by 4:15 p.m. will be charged an additional $2 per minute, per student beginning at 4:16 p.m.

For example, if a family with two kids arrives at 4:30 p.m. to pick up their students, and it is their first offense, they will be invoiced $66. 

Parents can sign up for BASE through MySchoolBucks. To find out more about BASE, see our webpage

In addition, we also are having trouble with parents missing the weekly (Friday) deadline to sign up for BASE in MySchoolBucks. Beginning Monday, Dec. 11, families will be charged $5 per student for the first offense and $10 per student for the second offense if they do not sign up their student(s) for BASE by the deadline. Charges will continue to go up by $5 per student after each offense.

For questions, please contact Jen Jones, office manager.