If you have not already downloaded the PikMyKid App, please do so at this time. On the first day of school, next Wednesday, Aug. 16, we will begin using PikMyKid for afternoon carpool pick-up. We’re excited to use this new app and believe it will be an efficient way to manage afternoon carpool. As with any new process, please be patient during the next week as we all work together to fine tune it. 

NOTE: Parents who only have a student in Mrs. Murray’s morning kindergarten class do not need the app this school year.

Parents, please use the following link to access all support and FAQ’s for the PikMyKid platform and app:  https://www.pikmykid.com/support/  Their website includes videos and documents to help with any questions that you have about the dismissal process.

A couple of notes specific to carpool at BFA:

  • When you/your designee arrives to pick up your student(s), it is imperative that you ensure the ‘Zone’ indicated on the app is the lane you’ve pulled into (A or B) and that you “Announce” your arrival. Specifically, we want you to Announce when you drive over the large A and B letters that are painted on the lanes on the west side of the school. Please DO NOT announce your arrival when you are on Plaza as that will only slow the carpool process down. Preschool parents who have a K-8 sibling should announce when they are parked in the preschool lot.
  • The PikMyKid system automatically assigns a number–which is what you will see when using the app. This is different from the family number on the carpool tag given to you by the school which will be used for voting/surveys at BFA. Retain your tags and keep them in your car. They will prove helpful to take off your dash/rear-view mirror when your student is loaded in your car, and to flag a staff member if your student did not come out for pick-up.
  • If your family has chosen the default ‘Walker’ status within the PikMyKid app, you will be sent a Google form that must be filled out before the first day of school. Please check your email for the form. The ‘Walker’ release process will not change–we’ll continue to release all students selected as Walkers at 3:45 p.m. each afternoon from the northwest doors. 

The PikMyKid Support Team is always available to help you when you have a question. You can contact them at support@pikmykid.com.