The PTO is hosting TRUNK OR TREAT tomorrow, Oct. 28! It’s going to be a fun day for ALL preschool through eighth grade BFA students. Students can wear their costumes to school all day–but remember, costumes should be appropriate for school (no revealing/offensive clothing, costumes with pretend blood/gore, or pretend weapons). Also, please no masks or face paint since students will be in costume all day; however, students can bring a mask to wear while participating in Trunk or Treat.

Throughout the day, classes will be invited to step outside with their class and participate in Trunk or Treat. And, parents-–we know you enjoy seeing the kids in costume as much as we do, so please feel free to come watch your children at Trunk or Treat. You may park in the upper parking lot; Trunk or Treat will be held in the main lot. To find your child’s Trunk or Treat time, click here. (Some preschool time slots were recently updated.)

If you have any questions about the Trunk or Treat, please reach out to Erin Wiley, PTO Trunk or Treat committee manager. Thanks in advance for all of your support!

K-5 Halloween Classroom Parties will take place from 1:45 – 2:45 p.m. tomorrow, Oct. 28. Party volunteers will be limited to a max of four adults per classroom, and can arrive at 1:30 p.m. to set up. All volunteers should have their Driver’s License for check-in and should not bring younger siblings. Also, volunteers should bring their own supplies.

Please keep in mind carpool scanning begins promptly at 3 p.m. each day, so do not block carpool lanes if you are volunteering.

If you have any questions about the elementary party coordination, please reach out to 

Anne Chacon, PTO room parent coordinator